We are glad you chose us!
We would like to welcome you as a new patient to our facility! We are happy you have chosen Primacare Physical Therapy for your outpatient physical therapy needs. Our therapists are committed to offer you the highest quality care with more than 100 years combined experience. I hope you had a positive experience on your initial visit with us.

What To Bring...
Driver's License or other form of valid ID
Insurance Card
Referral/Prescription from Doctor (unless you are coming through Direct Access)
Any relevant MRI, X-rays or medical documents
For Medicare patients, please also bring a list of your medications

Once You Arrive...
When you arrive the front desk will make a copy of your ID and Insurance Card. You will then be given registration forms and questionnaires relevant to your pain or injury. These will help our therapists get a better picture before speaking with you. We will also inform you if you have a co-payment for your visits.
Then the therapist will bring you into the clinic...
The therapist will start by having you explain a brief medical history, such as previous surgeries/procedures, if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Then they will have you describe how you are feeling, when your pain started, when or if you had surgery, and if certain positions make you feel better or worse. Your therapist is then going to put you through a series of tests and positions to determine you range of motion, strength, and function. This is going to help them decide your plan of care.
Your therapist is going to design a plan of care based on the goals deemed relevant and realistic by both you and the therapist. These goals will be specific to you based upon what hobbies, recreational activities and function to are trying to reach. These goals will help dictate the exercises and activities you will be performing in your following sessions.
You will then have an abbreviated session with a few exercises and stretches. The therapist will also give you a sheet with exercises to begin at home. After your session the front desk will help you schedule your appointments. If your insurance requires authorization, we will call you to schedule once we get authorization.
*TIP: Sometimes it is helpful to bring some notes so you remember to tell or ask your therapist everything you wanted to.
Forms Printable Registration Forms Available on the Forms Page of Our Website
You can print and complete these at home and bring them on your first visit to save time.